
Kennington Osteopaths open second clinic at Elephant Park

Kennington London Osteopaths & Physiotherapy are opening their second clinic in Elephant Park. Find out more about the new Osteopath Southwark.

Arts and culture
  • 7 Dec 2021
Kennington Osteopaths & Physiotherapy are opening their second clinic right here at Elephant Park. Find out more about the new Osteopath in Southwark.

The practitioners behind south London-based Kennington Osteopaths & Physiotherapy see their ambitious plans come to life with a second clinic opening at Elephant Park. On top of Osteopathy and Physio, The new Osteopaths, Southwark, will also offer therapies like Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Sports Massage, Counselling and Diagnostic Ultrasound.


Osteopaths Andrea Rippe and Pietro Susini opened the doors to their new clinic in December 2021, after working on the project for over a year, and are very excited to welcome new and existing clients to their new premises.


Co-owner Pietro who runs Kennington Osteopaths with Andrea, tells the team at Elephant Park a bit more about their business and why they chose this location for a new clinic.


Why did you choose Elephant & Castle and Elephant Park?

We have been local to the area for the past 10 years and have seen a lot of change over the course of that time. We find this exciting, and we wanted to be part of the change.

The community of Elephant & Castle is a very special, close-knit one, and we aim to employ local people who are part of this unique and diverse area. We love the concept around which Elephant Park was created. Health and wellbeing is obviously integral to our business and so we knew that we would fit in well here. The Lendlease team has also been very helpful in making our project come to life!

How would you sum up Elephant & Castle in three words?

Vibrant, colourful and young!

What is your favourite thing about this part of London?

We love this part of London. It has great transport links and is really accessible for people with mobility difficulties. Most importantly, it has an amazing vibe! We didn’t want to locate our second premises anywhere else.


Tell us about you and Kennington Osteopaths.

My business partner Andrea set Kennington Osteopaths & Physiotherapy up in 2012, and I (Pietro) bought 50% of it in 2016. We have been running it together since, growing our services provision across all disciplines.

I originally gained a physiotherapy degree at the University of Florence in 2009 before moving to London to complete a Master of Science in Osteopathy and graduating in 2014. I started working as one of Andrea’s associates in 2014 and we bonded straight away! The business was growing and I had always wanted to own my own business and was in the lucky position to invest in this project which Andrea was thrilled about!


What is the new clinic like and how is it special?

As our new Osteopath’s in Southwark is located in a brand-new building at Elephant Park, our space has been designed from the get-go as a clinic so we were able to design it to meet our requirements, and make the best use of all space. We are very excited to share the new space with our current and new clients.


How do your sustainability goals tie in with Elephant Park?

We know that sustainability is of high importance at Elephant Park and this is something we align with in our business. We run on green power and the vast majority of our waste is recyclable.


What are your top tips in leading a healthier lifestyle?

Cycle to work, plant led diet, exercise, smile. With many cycle spaces around Elephant Park and plenty of retailers who offer vegan options, there are many ways to do this!

What top 3 treatments would you recommend for health & well-being?

We actually have 4 that we have to recommend for health & well-being! Osteopathy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and psychotherapy which are all treatments available at our clinic.


Give us 3 reasons why we should visit you at Kennington Osteopaths.

You should visit us at Kennington Osteopaths because of our clinical excellence, approachability and accessibility.


Open now, Kennington Osteopaths and Physiotherapy will be located in Chatteris Way beside popular evening venue Four Quarters.


You can find out more about the team, their services, and book an appointment by visiting their website.


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